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Guide Dog Users Incorporated (GDUI)

GDUI is an affiliate organization of the American Council of the Blind (ACB). This organization has everything to do with different aspects related to dog guide use from promoting laws for travelling with a dog guide, employment issues that may arise for dog guide users, housing concerns that may occur when you have a dog guide, and everything else in-between. This organization provides education about dog guides and promotes advocacy projects related to dog guide travel and accessibility. You may find a list of dog guide schools by going to the Menu and selecting Resources. Once selected, you will see a list of multiple and varied resources associated with using a dog guide. If you select “Guide Dog Training Schools,” you will find a list of dog guide schools by state and their contact information. This is a great site to look at if you are thinking about getting a dog guide, and it has invaluable information for those who are dog guide users.

Website: is external) or is external)

Mailing Address:
Guide Dog Users Incorporated
3600 Morgan Way
Imperial, Missouri 63052

Phone:  (866) 799-8436
A general e-mail is not available. However, if you choose “Contact Us,” you may send a message to any of the Officers or Office Manager, who will be listed there when you select, “Send to.”