The Wyoming Council of the Blind (WyCB) is launching the “WyCB Roundup,” a new teleconference chat call on Wednesday, July 26 at 7:00 PM. Subsequent hour-long chat calls will be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the same time.
The “Wyoming Roundup” will offer the blind and visually impaired (BVI) folks in Wyoming an opportunity to learn about WyCB and our many activities, to participate in an open conversation with other BVI individuals and to get to know each other, and together, explore various ways we can help each other cope with vision loss. All are welcome.
You can join us by simply dialing 605.472.5395 and then when prompted entering the access code of: 569373 followed by the # sign.
Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. We are looking forward to hosting this exciting new chat call for you.