President's Address from the WyCB 2024 Convention
by Cheryl Godley
Last year’s motto was “Revive, Strive, and Thrive.” This year our motto is “Moving Forward.”
During the last year, our organization has become rejuvenated. As you will see by our Standing Committee reports, the Board of Directors and Officers have accomplished a great deal. My hope is that this motto, “Moving Forward” will be maintained by WyCB becoming better known, not only to the B/VI community, but to all communities within the state of Wyoming.
I would like to commend our Board. They are strong and active. They have effectively and efficiently addressed projects and have worked together as a team. What a great job you each have done!
This year we have acquired financial stability in a way not known before to WyCB. Between the Thankful Thursday fundraiser last year, a grant being awarded by the Natrona Collective Health Trust, and a significant personal donation by Mr. Dan Grace of Casper, we have been able to gain some financial security which will allow us to move forward to better serve individuals with B/VI in Wyoming. For example, we were asked to start a Support group in September at the Casper Senior Center. Our hope is that additional opportunities evolve where we may serve our members and individuals with B/VI, their families, and friends.
We continue to strive to increase our membership numbers. We are developing partnerships and networking with other organizations to assist us in getting the word out that we are here.
Other ways we are making our presence known is through our website. We have developed a Resource Page that allows anyone to access resources available for individuals with B/VI anywhere in Wyoming. The resources listed include information about how, and who to contact regarding training programs, financial resources, assistive technology, orientation and mobility training, and so on. Similarly, we have developed a Facebook page that lists upcoming activities and events.
The Board has worked on blindness related activities and projects that promote awareness of unique issues associated with B/VI. Some of these include working with Governor Gordon’s office to make a proclamation about White Cane Awareness Day in Wyoming, the inclusion of blindness related information specific to drivers in the WYDOT Driver’s manual and inclusion of this information on the driver’s test, looking into concerns associated with transportation issues, and looking into the challenges of counterfeit service animals.
So, as you can see, we are here. We are active. And we are moving forward. Where are we going? It is time to develop activities and projects that will benefit our members and the B/VI community. What do you, as members, want?
Please think about what you desire from WyCB that would be helpful to you, someone you know, or family members and friends. Please take a moment to let us know what your needs are by letting anyone on our Board know what you would like. We would like your feedback so we may move forward in a meaningful way for the B/VI community in Wyoming.
Where are we going? Here are some ideas.
Start support groups around the state
Develop “pods” of individuals with B/VI and their families/friends in different towns that may be a resource to individuals within that town, or that may develop activities with others who are B/VI.
Increase awareness about B/VI related-issues, activities, and needs throughout Wyoming.
Provide educational opportunities to the communities in Wyoming about B/VI and related issues (etiquette, information about white canes, dog guides, etc.).
- Continue developing financial resources for projects.
As stated last year, a primary focus for our organization is increasing our membership. It is through building this membership that WyCB will become stronger. There is strength in numbers when it comes to addressing difficult issues that may arise within Wyoming regarding B/VI related issues. It is through strength in numbers that we may better advocate on behalf of us. It is through strength in numbers that our advocacy will be heard. As our membership grows, we will be better able to advocate on our behalf, and we are more likely to be heard and to be taken seriously. I am certain that in the future the B/VI community in Wyoming will face challenges and if we have a strong organization behind us, we are likely to be more effective in asserting what is in our best interests, to others. Please let others know about WyCB and encourage yourself and others to become active members and to take part in representing individuals in Wyoming with B/VI.