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Protection & Advocacy System, Inc.

Protection & Advocacy System, Inc., (P and A) established in 1977, is a nonprofit corporation authorized by Congress to implement several federal laws to protect the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities, including veterans with disabilities. Protection & Advocacy System, Inc. has federal authority to gain access to facilities, records, and persons to investigate allegations of abuse and neglect. Protection & Advocacy System, Inc. also helps people obtain state and federally funded services, such as vocational rehabilitation, mental health, intellectual, traumatic brain injury, assistive technology devices and services, other disability services, voting rights, and access to facilities and programs. Protection & Advocacy System, Inc. focuses on civil rights and discrimination issues. Protection & Advocacy System, Inc. promotes systemic change to enhance quality of life for children and adults with disabilities. Protection & Advocacy System, Inc. provides legal representation and individual advocacy, education and training, including help with self-advocacy skills, and information and referral services.

The Protection & Advocacy System, Inc. network is the largest provider of legally-based advocacy services for persons with disabilities in the United States with similar organizations in every state and territory.

P and A is proud of their many successes in advancing disability law in Wyoming and nationally.

Protection & Advocacy System, Inc.,
7344 Stockman St.,
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Main Telephone: 307-632-3496 or 800-624-7648
Email Address: sends e-mail)
Website: is external)
FAX: 307-638-0815  
For assistance, ask for the Intake Coordinator.
Wondering whether you qualify for Social Security disability?  Here’s some information to help you with the process.